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- > Where can I take Pearson qualification exams? (Private candidates only)
Understanding our qualifications
Centres accepting private candidates
Private candidates
A private candidate is a learner who wants to take a qualification but doesn't want to study full-time at a school or college. This includes learners who are:
- home-schooled
- self-taught
- looking to resit/retake an assessment
- students studying a course not offered by their own school or college.
UK GCSEs and A levels
A list of exam centres that accept private candidates is available via the JCQ website.
Find an exam centre that accepts private candidates (JCQ website)
Once you’ve found a centre, they will help you with the registration process. To register, you’ll need to provide the school or college with:
- your full name, address, postcode and date of birth
- a telephone number
- details of the subjects for which you want to register
- details of any coursework marks you want to transfer (if relevant)
- your Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) number (if you've previously taken Pearson exams)
- your bank details.
Centre details
If you're an approved UK centre and wish to appear on the list of centres that accept private candidates, we will soon be providing you with a survey to complete for the next examination series.
Understanding our qualifications
- Our qualifications explained
- Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
- Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
- European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
- Achieving your learning and career goals
- Comparing BTEC to other qualifications
- Find an international centre
- Marketing toolkit for international centres
- Policies for centres, learners and employees
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